Darshan Trio

Vijay Gupta | Yoshika Masuda | Dominic Cheli


from the Darshan Trio

We believe that all art is both a mirror and a lens. We see a reflection of our inner selves in the expression of another - but while peering through - we see each other, as well. Darshan is a Sanskrit word which means “seeing”, but it is also a kind of “seeing beyond” - the seeing of transcendence and transformation.

Our Story

We came together to make music, in something that musicians like to call “reading parties”. There is no greater joy than opening scores, sight-reading pieces, and sharing the delights, challenges, and stories that jump off the page! We quickly realized that rather than playing through complete pieces, we were agilely moving through our favorite movements of larger scale works covering nearly a dozen composers and pieces in less than an hour!

In doing so, we began noticing several things: fascinating relationships between pieces that were composed nearly 200 years apart, greater gravity and importance to movements played in isolation, and a through-line that we could trace across an eclectic collection of composers, styles, and time periods.

And with that, we developed our first “Mosaic Program”: a program that features many different, seemingly disparate pieces, that fit together to create an entirely new sonic landscape.

Vijay Gupta

Yoshika Masuda

Dominic Cheli

Brahms Op.8

Performed live at Inner-City Arts in Downtown LA as part of a Street Symphony event, presented in collaboration with the Los Angeles Poverty Department